VJS is looking to spread some positivity and keep everyone connected. We have been sharing uplifting photos, stories, videos, quotes, etc. to spread positivity. Check out what VJS employees have shared.

Several of our employees, Chris Goeke, Susan Trapp, Jenny Rzepiejewski, Dawn Kraft, and Lizzy Polheber as well as one of our employees children, have been making face masks to provide to our employees out in the field.

Adam Lewis, Senior Project Manager, is working remotely after having surgery and was looking to have his office chair at his house. Jamie Stout and Dawn Kraft put the wheels in motion to get Adam’s chair to him as Adam currently has lifting restrictions. Jim Meleski delivered his chair and even carried it down to Adam’s home office. His office is now set up (and Adam’s children helped “decorate his office” with the adorable drawings in the background!).

Levi Luck, Project Manager, and his family got a new black lab puppy named Cruz. Levi attempted Cruz’s first walk on a leash, apparently Cruz didn’t like it too much. They made it about a block from their house and that’s as far as they got!