In honor of reaching a major milestone in its transformative "Imagine Campaign", Urban Ecology Center (UEC) hosted a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the kickoff for the renovation and expansion of its Washington Park location.
The redevelopment of UEC's Washington Park 15,125-square-foot facility will yield a 33,000-square-foot space, featuring a new 850-square-foot storage shed and a 10,000-square-foot service yard. Additional site upgrades include parking lot, service road, sidewalk, and park signage renovations.
This transformation will allow UEC to:
Double the capacity of its Neighborhood Environmental Education Project program within the first three years growing its reach from 13 to 31 schools;
Increase the opportunities for preschool environmental education programs;
Allow them to complete beautification efforts on the 20 acres surrounding the building;
Continue partnering with Milwaukee County Parks to upgrade infrastructure.
VJS is proud to be the trusted building partner for this project helping bring UEC's big ideas to life. Quorum Architects is the designer for this renovation and expansion.