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Voss Hrdlicka Co. was founded in 1947 by two former Allis-Chalmers engineers, Harold Voss and John Hrdlicka. As the initial founders moved toward retirement, Gary Jorgensen joined the firm as a principal in 1976 and Tom Schueler in 1978.

Under the creative leadership of Gary Jorgensen and Tom Schueler, the company became Voss Jorgensen Schueler in 1981 and grew to become one of Wisconsin’s largest construction firms.

VJS St. Rita 1950

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Voss Jorgensen Schueler began to transition to the next generation of leadership. After many years of preparation, two of Gary’s sons took leadership roles with the firm – Craig Jorgensen became President of Voss Jorgensen Schueler, and David Jorgensen Executive Vice President. The firm also brought on non-family members as partners in the early 2000s – Rick Andritsch and Chris Sauvé.

Always looking for ways to better meet the needs of their customers, VJS Development Group, Voss Jorgensen Schueler’s real estate development arm, was born in 2004. A name change from Voss Jorgensen Schueler to VJS Construction Services and a new corporate headquarters soon transpired in 2005.

In 2015, Craig’s son, Jake, and an additional non-family member, Jason Schneider, became partners in the firm. In 2020, VJS expanded the leadership team and Board of Directors again, naming Katie Kawczynski, AIA, as a Partner and Director of Architecture, representing the fourth non-family member, and first female, to be named as a partner.

VJS Construction Services - Construction Manager

W233 N2847 Roundy Circle West, 
Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072

411 East Wisconsin Avenue, Ste. 320, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

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© 2025 VJS Construction Services, Inc.  |  W233 N2847 Roundy Circle West, Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072  |  Phone: 262.542.9000  |  Fax: 262.542.1371  | Policies and Terms

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